Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 2- My Three Biggest Fears

Day 2- Describe 3 Fears You Have & Explain How They Became Fears

Snakes- I am terrified of snakes. It’s weird though, because I can handle seeing them in aquariums and I think they are extremely interesting. I love to see them when I go to exhibits, where they are CLOSED up, in a cage. I can not handle them outside of a cage. When I was 11 years old, I was out playing in the woods with my cousin, and my neighbor. We had a pond back in the woods, and my friends and I would often go on “hikes” and explore the woods. I remember one time I was walking through the woods, and I happened to look down and there was a snake coiled up in a little mud hill burrow. It was almost like my eyes met with the snakes eyes, I was freaked out. Of course, being an 11 year old girl, I did the dumbest thing I could have done. I took my cup that was in my hand (yes, I was hiking with a CUP of water) it was a Crawdad’s baseball cup, how do I remember that? I have no idea. Anyways… back to the story. I threw the cup at the snake and took off like a rocket out of those woods. I told my neighbor and cousin to hurry up and come on, and they ran with me. We raced back to the house, and we were completely out of breath when we walked in. I remember running through those white French doors as fast as I could, telling my parents who just happened to be in the living room, that I had just ran faster than the wind. There were plenty of times through my young-adult life where I would tell my parents about something being fast, and they would respond with, “faster than the wind?” It became a family joke for years to come. If I watch anything on tv about snakes, or hear about snakes- I can not sleep. I feel like they are crawling on me and stuff. It’s super creepy, and I don’t think I will ever like them.

Losing someone close to me- This is probably one of my biggest fears; however, I know that in time, this is inevitable. For those of you reading that don’t know, I lost my dad only a few years ago, when I was twenty-three. He was only forty-nine years old, and he died of a massive heart attack. That morning when I woke up and got ready for church, and I told him “bye, love you, see you later,” I had no idea it would be my last. When something like this happens to you, after all the people are gone, and all the Bojangles chicken dinners are gone, and that person is no longer on Earth- all you can think about it losing someone else. At least that’s how it was for me. Weeks and months later, I found myself having nightmares about losing my brother, and losing my mom. It got really scary for a while. I honestly thought I was going crazy. After much conversation, I came to realize that that is all part of the grieving process. The problem is, it never really goes away. The nightmares have subsided, but the fear is still there. At one point, my brother had a sports bike. It terrified me so bad, that I got nauseous just seeing him on it. There were times were he would drive it somewhere, and we would be meeting, and I couldn’t stand to see him on it. To me, I felt like he was on a death trap. Although, he may have been a safe driver, there are others out there that are not. The thought of him wrecking, and getting hurt just scared me to bits. I already lost one of the most important men in my life, and I certainly can not stand the thought of losing another. With this fear always in my mind, I always make sure that I tell those closest to me how much I love them, and value our relationships. Although I could say it more, I try to do it often. Life is just too precious, and you never know when an “I love you” could be your last.

Drowning- This fear has stemmed from when I was 6 years old and in swimming lessons. I took swimming lessons and I thought I was a pretty good swimmer. I thought I could handle the deep end. I thought I could dive off the diving board, and pop back up once I hit the water. So, what does a normal 6 year old do at a pool party for her entire troop of girl scouts? She tries to show off, and be like the “big” kids. All the parents were socializing and talking about things going on, all my peers were in the shallow end of a friend’s backyard pool, and I thought I could handle it. I crept to the end of the long blue diving board, and I went for it. I jumped, and I didn’t come completely back up. I was fighting the water, and my peers started screaming for help. I can’t remember if my mom was there or not, it’s been so long ago… but I remember my friend’s dad jumped in and pulled me out. He saved my life. I was gasping for air, and water had filled throat. He pulled me out to the side of the pool, and I remember lying there thanking God that I was alive. Over the next few years, my water play was very limited. I was so scared. I was scared it would happen again. Finally, I regained the courage to go back in the water. I started swimming again, and I learned to conquer my fear. Still today, I get nervous when I am in the Ocean mostly. I get really scared of rip tides and the waves taking my under. I tend to stay off diving boards these days. Deep waters are not my thing. I’ll stick to the shallow end, and sitting on the edge of the pool soaking up the sun.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 1- 20 Random Facts About Me

My blog has been pretty abandoned for quite a while, once again. As I have said many times, blogging is very hard for me to keep up with. Between work, school, and everything else I have going on- blogging has not been very high on my list of priorities. I used to journal as a pre-teen (what 13 year old girl doesn’t?), then I started my own blog that I kept very well maintained for at least 4 years, and now I’ve just let it go. I miss it. I love to write and learn things about myself through my own writing. With that said, here I go again. I am going to attempt to try this blogging thing again.

I am going to start blogging again by completing a 30 day blog challenge. A few of my friends are doing this, and I really enjoy reading their posts- so I thought why not? These next 30 days are going to define the title of my blog- simply, jamie.

Day 1- 20 Random Facts About Myself

  1. I have been engaged for over three years. I think a movie is coming out about us this Friday. (haha, The Five Year Engagement) People keep asking me when do I plan on getting married. I have a few choice answers I could give them, but generally I am polite. It’s coming folks- it’s coming. I am a busy lady, and frankly, planning a wedding is not my cup of tea. I do know who I will be spending the rest of my life with, and I don’t need a piece of paper to justify that, just yet. It will happen, sooner or later. You just might be surprised.

  1. I love my job! I have been working for the same company since I was 16 years old. This month, I celebrated my 9th year with the company as a whole. I have only been in my current position for 10 months, and it has been such a great experience! I have been exposed to so many new things, and I have learned so much. Within the next weeks, I will be making another transition into a different role with my company. My hard work has certainly paid off for me, and I am sure it will continue to do so as I grow with my company. I am certainly blessed.

  1. I have several tattoos. Most of them are visible on a daily basis; however, I am still able to cover them all up. I usually keep them covered in very important work functions, and anything to do with teaching. I have every intention of getting more. I just haven’t figured out 100% where I want them on my canvas. I’m sure it won’t be long until I get another. I’ve had the itch for a few weeks now. Something about the sound of a tattoo gun buzzing in my ear. The pain is irrelevant, to me it is therapy.

  1. I am addicted to Sephora. No seriously. It’s a funny little addiction, because if you saw me on a day-to-day basis you would wonder if I even had any makeup on at all. I don’t wear a whole lot of makeup. I like to keep my face pretty natural looking. (besides, James think I look best with little or no makeup) But there is something about Sephora that really knows how to initiate an impulse buy. All they have to say is, “wow, that color looks great on you!”- and I am sold. Just within the past week, I have been there at least 3 times. If you too, like Sephora- be sure to sign up for their beauty insider card that allows you to earn free stuff! I think part of the obsession comes from Birchbox, a monthly beauty sample subscription that sends me samples of things leaving me wanting to try a particular brands entire line of products.

  1. I am an Apple junkie. It all started with the iPod shuffle. I had a shuffle back in the day, and then I gradually moved to the iPod nano. Once I got an iPhone, there was no real reason for me to have an iPod anymore. My phone could do it all. I eventually bought a MacBook Pro, and an iPad- and my technology lifestyles will never be the same. It’s so hard for me to use Mac at home and then degrade to a PC at work. Haha. I constantly find myself hitting the Alt key on my PC which drives me insane. One you go Mac, you won’t wanna go back!

  1. In reference to fact #5- I could not live without my iPhone. This may sound absurd, but this is the truth. If I do not have my phone in my possession, I feel lost. I have owned an iPhone since the 3 came out- and since then, it’s something I just can not do without. Whether I am looking for a place to eat, or refreshing my Facebook page- my iPhone is my personal mini-computer. It’s fun to think back about what we did before having smart phones. How did we ever make it?

  1. I love office supplies. I love the feeling of a fresh sticky note and an easy writing flair pen. If you could see how much stuff I have crammed into my drawers at work, you would seriously laugh. I have entirely too many ink pens, but they are my favorite. This is nothing that came over night, since I was a little girl I have had an infatuation with markers, notepads, and any supply that is office/school related. I remember going to the store with my mom or dad, and they would let me get a “surprise.” I would always choose something from the school supply aisle where everything is ridiculously over priced and probably been sitting there for years.

  1. I hated cats until Aerie (my mom’s cat) came along. Growing up, we never had cats. My dad couldn’t stand them. My mom always wanted one, but it just never happened. About a year after my dad passed away, my mom’s friend had some kittens she was giving away. One night she asked me if I wanted to ride over to her friend’s house and look at the kittens with her. Once we got there, I already knew which one I was going to convince my mom we needed to take home. She was a really fluffy calico, and I insisted we take her. We found a little box for her, and started home. On the way home, I was thinking of virtually every name I could think of and nothing came to mind. I thought about Aerie (the store, an old obsession of mine), and I knew that’s what we had to call her. It was just a perfect name for our new beautiful kitten. After being around Aerie for several months, and then moving out on my own without a cat- I certainly missed her. It wasn’t until Christmas Eve of 2010 when Oreo showed up on my doorstep starving for a bite to eat. It’s hard to believe she adopted us and has been with us ever since. Now, I love cats. I’m not sure how I would live without mine.

  1. I love chick flicks. What girl doesn’t? This past weekend James and I went to see The Lucky One and I loved it as much as I thought I would +. It was so good, and I’d really like to go see it again. Any takers?

  1.  I am a shopaholic. Did I really just say that? Although I don’t like to admit this, I seriously LOVE to shop. It’s not that I enjoy spending money, because I really don’t spend a whole lot of money. I never pay full price for anything. I love going to a store, scavenging through the clearance section, using a coupon to knock off additional %, and walking out with 5 new outfits. That’s my kind of shopping. To me, shopping is a sport. When I say shopping, I don’t mean “always buying something.” I consider shopping & “looking” the same thing. I can spend hours in Target, and only come out with $5 worth of items. It doesn’t happen often, but it does happen sometimes. Just ask Brianne.

  1. My favorite restaurant is Chick-fil-A. I could eat there everyday of my life. I usually get the same thing- a regular chicken sandwich with no pickle. I do change it up on occasion though! Mmmm. I love their lemonade too! My favorite day to go to Chick-fil-A is Wednesday, which is college day. At the local Chick-fil-A, if you show them your student ID- you can get a free sandwich or nugget with the purchase of a side, and drink. It averages out to about $3. Needless to say, I at least go to Chick-fil-A every Wednesday.  

  1.  No matter how cold it is at night, I have to have the fan on, or my window air conditioner turned on. I don’t like having the TV on (with noise) when I am trying to sleep, but there is something about the sound of my air conditioner or fan that helps soothe me, and get a better nights rest.

  1. I am obsessed with teeth. Seriously. Since wearing braces and spending so much money on my mouth- I tend to focus on teeth. I hate to admit this, but it’s true. When I meet someone new, I tend to focus on their mouth. I also have caught myself describing people using their teeth as a main attribute. Example: My boss says, “Did you meet *random name* when he was here today? I say, “Oh, the guy with the really pretty teeth & dark hair?” Too funny, too true.

  1.  Are we done yet? This is kind of hard. Hmm. #14. Even though I have a very hard time waking up early. I do good Monday through Friday, but on Saturdays- well, that’s a different story. I could sleep all day. I’m trying to work on this, and stop sleeping my weekends away. It’s a hard habit to break, because I do love my sleep!

  1.  My celebrity crush is Dallas Green. Most women think Brad Pitt is the sexiest man alive. I disagree. Dallas is my Brad Pitt. I’ve never seen him in person, but that’s going to change on June 1st. I am taking the day off, and waiting in line all day if I have to- just to be up front during his show. His voice soothes my soul and his lyrics touch my heart. Oh, I can’t wait!

  1. I love Hello Kitty. She’s becoming entirely too popular these days, and it kind of makes me sad because she’s turned so mainstream… but I still love her. I’m not a tacky hello kitty fan. I don’t have stickers plastered all over my car, and I don’t (anymore) carry a hello kitty purse- but I certainly am still a fan!

  1. I love green beans. Just ask James. He is getting sick of them. I could eat them with every meal, and never get tired of them. Everytime I go grocery shopping I buy atleast 6 cans, and James says the same thing everytime, “more greenbeans, oh my gahhhh!” It’s pretty comical. The other night he made broccoli and cheese as a side for dinner, and I told him that I loved it and broccoli was my second favorite vegetable. He replied by saying, “good, can we start eating it more, and having green beans less?” Sorry James! The greenbeans are here to stay! I love them! (almost as much as I love you!)

  1. I sneeze a lot. More than a normal human being. It’s especially bad right now with allergy season. Sometimes in the mornings while I am getting ready, I will sneeze up to 20 times in a row. I’ve tried every kind of allergy medicine on the market. Nothing works. Guess I’ll just keep sneezing.

  1. I can’t wait to be a mom. Fact #1 must happen first, but soon after that happens, and school is done… well, you know the rest. I can’t wait to have my own little one. I am mostly excited about dressing him/her/them. As well as accessorizing. Aw. Not to mention, James is going to be a great dad someday.  I just know it. Maybe after we have a kid, then a few years later we can get that golden retriever that I want.  Or will that come first?

  1.  I love the Outerbanks. It’s my favorite place to get away. I usually go every Thanksgiving for several days. I just love everything about it. There is not a whole lot to do there, but it’s perfect. There are plenty of restaurants to go to, and several boutiques to shop at. They even have a few outlet stores. They do have a Sweet Frog, and really… that’s all that matters! James and I always stay at the same hotel and eat their amazing waffles for breakfast! We love to explore the area and learn about the history. It’s always a good time! I hope we can go back this Summer for a few days!

So that’s it! 20 random facts about me!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What I Love Wednesday

This past Sunday I made my usual Walmart run for random things that I feel like I need, and I decided to browse the makeup section. No surprise there! I had seen in this months issue of Glamour an advertisement for some new Maybelline eye products, and I was just curious to see if they had any. Low and behold, I made my way around the endcap and there it was in all of it's glory- an entire display of the new eye products. There was a new mascara, eyeliner, and a brow pencil. I examined each of the items and quickly decided that I needed one of each. No, seriously. I bought the mascara, 2 of the brow pencils, and one of the eyeliners. I had never tried a brow pencil, and aside from seeing my grandma use them on occassion growing up- I have never been exposed to them. I decided to give it a whirl. What was the worst that could happen? Right.

Well, I'm here to tell you that I am currently obsessed with my brow pencil. It's called Maybelline: Eye Studio Master Shape. I bought the pencil in two colors: auburn, and blonde. My hair color changes on a monthly basis it seems, so I wanted to make sure I had my bases covered. This product is unbeleivable. All I did was swipe a tiny bit on each brow, and use the other end of the brush to disperse the product evenly, and VOILA! instant beautiful brows.

If you are looking to spice up your makeup a bit, and feel a little more glamourous- then I definitely recommend this product. I wore it to work the next day and received several compliments on how great my makeup was! My secret? A good pair of tweezers for my everyday brow grooming, and this fabulous new brow pencil.

Here's just a little picture of me wearing the product!

Friday, January 6, 2012

2011 In Review

I figured I would give a quick snapshot of my 2011 in review. I had a pretty boring year actually. I hope 2012 has a lot more in store for me. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

January- brought in the new year at my friend Mandi's house eating homade lasagna and BBQ smokies
February- instead of going out on a hott date for Valentine's Day, James and I decided to go eat dinner with the senior citizens at The Mayflower seafood restaurant
March- I celebrated my 24th birthday with a super fun dinner party/get together at Mellow Mushroom. I got lots of fun stuff including a blood pressure monitor from my mom. Seriously, Mom... I'm not that old yet. I paid my car off this month! That was nice! We officially adopted Miss Oreo, our kitty. I took her to the vet for shots, and all the "new pet" treatment.
April- James and I celebrated 3 official years together. Here's to many more!
May-Mother's Day was a lot of fun! I celebrated with my mama by taking her out to Texas Roadhouse with a fabulous dinner and a few mixed drinks. It was fun for both of us!
June-I got a promotion at work! I moved from Lowes Foods over to IFH Corporate to take a position in Marketing/Purchasing. (which I absolutely LOVE!) This job was such a blessing for me in more ways than one. (I can't beleive I've been here almost seven months already)
July-James celebrated his 27th birthday. He's almost at the THIRTY mark! Oreo had her kittens on James' birthday! That was so much fun to watch those little boogers grow! We were able to find great homes for all five of them!
August-School started back and I took on a full load while working full time. It was a rough few months, but I made it last semester and I have every intention of doing it again this semester.
September-My baby brother turned 19 on the anniversary of 9.11.2011. Such a sad memory for our country. Poor little Oreo got spayed! No more kitties for that mama!
October-My first big projects at work were finally done! I completed my first series of FoodShows within one week of each other. One was in South Carolina and the other was in Hickory. This was a huge accomplishment for me, and I am currently working on THREE more for the next several months. Busy, busy.
Novemeber- James and I took our annual trip to the Outerbanks following Thanksgiving. It was a lot of fun, and I certainly wish we could have stayed longer. I am hoping next year we can take an extra day or two off work and spend some more time down there. We love it! We would love to move there one day when we are old and gray. Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. I always enjoy that time of year and spending time with my family, eating, and reminiscing on old times.
December- My mom moved way out in the country! We celebrated Christmas at her new house and ate a fabulous dinner, and got lots of good presents!

So that's it... a recap of my 2011. Here's to 2012.... and the memories that have yet to be made! I'm ready for it!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What’s in Store for 2012

Normally I do not make new years resolutions, but I have decided to give it a try this year. Afterall, the world is supposed to end in 2012- and if that happens, well obviously I will not be held to the standards of my resolutions.

  1. Wash my mouth out with a bar of soap- not literally. I would like to tone down my mouth that contains no filter. I need to stop being so vulgar, and be more lady-like. Afterall, I certainly do not want to have children and hear them repeating things I shouldn’t be saying. I might as well start now.

  1. Make better decisions- this is a pretty vague resolution; however, I intend to use it for merely everything I do. This could be a question of should I buy the shoes? Do I really need that watch? & even so much as increasing my % of savings each week. Every decision is a choice, and I need to start making better ones.

  1. Go to bed earlier, get up earlier- I struggle with this. I always have. I always say I am going to go to bed early, but then I end up staying up till 1 am lurking around on pinterest. I need to get serious and start being in bed fast asleep no later than 10pm, and up and at it by 5:30-6 each morning. I hate being rushed in the mornings, and hopefully I can break the cycle and start feeling better by having plenty of time to get my things done in the morning.

  1. Take more lunch breaks- I know this sounds absurd. But it’s true. I have been working at my job for seven months now, and most days I do not even take my hour lunch break. The only times I really leave the building is for a doctors appointment, or if I go get lunch and bring it back. I never leave my desk, and I have got to stop doing that. I need to get away from my desk for at least one hour per day, no exceptions.

  1. Stop Sweating the Small Stuff-This is a huge one for me. I have got to learn to let stuff go. I have got to start letting things roll of my back, and start convincing myself that, “it’s the small stuff.” I need to quit stressing, and worrying so much.

These are just a few of my 2012 goals. What are some of your resolutions for 2012? I’d love to hear from you.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What I Love Wednesday

Four years ago if you were to look at all my hair products, chances are you would have cringed. I was using a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and everything in between. That was until I discovered It’s a 10 Miracle Leave-In Product.

I started using this product nearly four years ago, and I have stuck with it ever since. I use this product every single day. It’s one of those products that works so well for me, that my hair becomes unmanageable if I don’t use it. The price is a little steep, however to me, the results are well worth it. I usually like to get the large bottle which is 10oz, but on occasion I will get the smaller 4oz bottle. It depends on what’s on sale. My friend normally gets this product for me at CosmoProf (the professional store) at a discounted price, and sometimes I end up snagging a 4oz bottle at Target or wherever else I happen to find it.

So what’s so great about this product? Everything. This product does 10 things instantly: 1. Repairs dry damaged hair. 2. Adds shine. 3. Smoothes and controls frizz. 4. Seas and protects hair color. 5. Detangles. 6. Prevents split ends. 7. Stops hair breakage. 8. Creates silkiness. 9. Enhances natural body. 10. Flat iron spray and thermal protector. I am here to tell you that it does work. My mom actually introduced this product to me when her hairdresser friend got some for her to try. I decided to try it, though I was hesitant only because I couldnt imagine that 1 product would actually do all that this one claimed to. I tried it for a week with no other styling products, and since that week i have been a believer! This product is amazing. I have fairly thick, naturally wavy hair that I blow dry straight and flat iron. It’s a 10 leaves my hair feeling amazing. My hair is shiny, silky, and soft. I will not ever stop using this product. I have tried various styling products for years and have never had such amazing results. It really does do everything it claims. It's also nice to only have to use 1 styling product as opposed to the 2,3, and sometimes even 4 that I was previously using.

You can learn more about It's a 10 hair products here. This product is the only product I currently use from their line, and to be honest, I have never tried any of their other products. I'm sure if I tried their other products I would be in love.