Thursday, January 5, 2012

What’s in Store for 2012

Normally I do not make new years resolutions, but I have decided to give it a try this year. Afterall, the world is supposed to end in 2012- and if that happens, well obviously I will not be held to the standards of my resolutions.

  1. Wash my mouth out with a bar of soap- not literally. I would like to tone down my mouth that contains no filter. I need to stop being so vulgar, and be more lady-like. Afterall, I certainly do not want to have children and hear them repeating things I shouldn’t be saying. I might as well start now.

  1. Make better decisions- this is a pretty vague resolution; however, I intend to use it for merely everything I do. This could be a question of should I buy the shoes? Do I really need that watch? & even so much as increasing my % of savings each week. Every decision is a choice, and I need to start making better ones.

  1. Go to bed earlier, get up earlier- I struggle with this. I always have. I always say I am going to go to bed early, but then I end up staying up till 1 am lurking around on pinterest. I need to get serious and start being in bed fast asleep no later than 10pm, and up and at it by 5:30-6 each morning. I hate being rushed in the mornings, and hopefully I can break the cycle and start feeling better by having plenty of time to get my things done in the morning.

  1. Take more lunch breaks- I know this sounds absurd. But it’s true. I have been working at my job for seven months now, and most days I do not even take my hour lunch break. The only times I really leave the building is for a doctors appointment, or if I go get lunch and bring it back. I never leave my desk, and I have got to stop doing that. I need to get away from my desk for at least one hour per day, no exceptions.

  1. Stop Sweating the Small Stuff-This is a huge one for me. I have got to learn to let stuff go. I have got to start letting things roll of my back, and start convincing myself that, “it’s the small stuff.” I need to quit stressing, and worrying so much.

These are just a few of my 2012 goals. What are some of your resolutions for 2012? I’d love to hear from you.

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