Thursday, December 15, 2011

Late Night Laundry Party

Is it weird that I actually enjoy doing laundry? I mean.... I think it's pretty strange myself. There is just something about clean, fresh. soft, cozy clothing & linens that I absolutely love. Not to mention, I love buying any kind of cleaning product-especially if it's something new! 

Today at work, I became so aggravated about a nasty, greasy looking stain I got on my favorite gray dress pants. 

I'm not sure what exactly it is, or how it got there. All I know is that I have to get rid of it. Once I noticed the not-so-pretty stain, I immediately googled some solutions. 

I found this website that gives a completely easy step-by-step guide to getting rid of greasy stains. 

As soon as I got through the door when I got home, I immediately took of my pants and put some pj pants on. I was eager to test the stain removal solution. I did just as the instructions say, let it soak for a little over an hour, and put it in the washing machine. 

When the load was finally done, and I took the pants out of the dryer-- I was amazed. No more greasy stain! I saved my pants! 

I'm so glad I have found a solution, because believe it or not- this happens to me all the time. I am a stain magnet. I have a tendency to cook while wearing good clothes, and I usually ruin my favorite articles of clothing by doing so. 

Now, I just need to figure out how to get some of the icky stains from some of James' clothes. I'll save that for a later day. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What I Love Wednesday

I thought with the start of a new blog, I would also start a new weekly series. Welcome to What I Love Wednesday, where each Wednesday I will tell you a little bit about something I love.

This week, I'd like to tell you about a moisturing gel that I am absolutely in love with.

I started using this product about two months ago. I had started using some other Clinique products prior to that and noticed that my face was getting really dry and flaky. I am always paranoid to use a lot of moisturizing creams because I do not want to clog my pores and create more breakouts. I ran over to the Clinique counter on my lunch break and talked to Andrew, the skin advisor and he helped guide me in the right direction. He applied some of this gel on to my arm and let me feel the texture. I thought it was a little strange at first, and had no idea how that would ever feel on my face- but I decided to try it anyways. This product is a little pricy, but well worth it. The results I have gotten from using this product are fabulous. By adding this awesome moisturizer to my routine it has actually improved my skin from the ultimate combination of dry and oily to a radiant, glowing, evenly hydrated skin tone. It only takes a dab to moisturize my entire face which made me feel less guilty about spluging on this product. I have been using my jar for a little over two months, and it honestly looks I have barely touched it. The gel is so lightweight, it feels like there is nothing on my face. This product is 100% all natural, and is completely unscented. My favorite thing about using this product is the way my makeup goes on when I'm done. I have been using a mineral based makeup, and it goes on so smooth after using this product. If you are interested in trying this product it is available online here, or stop by your local Clinique counter for a free skin evaluation and consultation.

*Disclaimer: My product reviews are strickly my own personal opinion. This blog receives no payment or other compensation for advertising. This blog receives no payment or other compensation for reviews of products or services. If I did not pay full retail price for a product being reviewed, I will explicitly state that in the review. Unless explicitly stated, I have no affiliation or relationship with the supplier of a product being reviewed.*

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Moving is No Fun

Yesterday I spent the entire day helping my mom move into her new house. She and my younger siblings moved about 30 minutes away from where they were living. I love the house they moved into. It's gorgeous, inside and out. It's an old farm house that was built during the civil war that has been completely remodeled. It sits on several acres of land and I'm pretty sure her closest neighbor is at least a mile away. I love it out there. The only downside of being way out in the country is that it takes forever to get back to "civilization." By civilization, I mean Walmart. Hehe! Ok, so it's not that far away... but it's far enough. It took me about 45-50 minutes to get to my apartment from there.

Mom's cats were absolutely terrified of the new place. Aerie wanted to stay in the litter box while Izzy (the mean one) just wanted to sit at the bottom of the stairs. For the first time since mom has had her I was able to hold her and snuggle with her. Here's proof.

After a hard day of moving my brother was worn out. 

I'm just so glad that she is finally moved in, and is now able to settle and get things in order the way she wants to. It's been a long time coming and I am glad that it finally happened. I'm sure plenty of sleepovers at mom's house will ensue before too long.

Home sweet home. 

Friday, December 9, 2011

I'm Back... No, Seriously.

It's official. I am back in the blogosphere. I have been on a lengthy hiatus and I have decided that I am going to get back to blogging, and keep up with it this time. I did it for almost five years throughout high school and my first year of college... why in the world can't I do it now? Ok. No excuses. Here I am, and I am excited to get my blog back off the ground. A big thanks to my bestie The Lost Bee for making over my blog and giving it some style. I can always count on her for any sort of style advice. 

I just had all of these ideas of blog topics surfacing in my head over the last three months, and with a little push from Brianne- I caved in and decided to give this whole blogging thing another shot. Stay tuned to my blog for daily (yes, I just said daily) updates on topics from fashion, cooking, shopping, and everything in between. I was talking to Brianne the other night and I told her that I couldn't believe I spent all this money on a Macbook Pro, and I have barely even used it since I got it. I'm not sure if it's because I am not 100% comfortable with all of it's functions, or the fact that I am stuck behind a huge monitor full of spreadsheets & e-mail at work all day. Either way... I bought my "dream" computer, and by golly I'm going to start using it. 

So here it goes! Welcome to my blog, & the crazy, adventurous journey I call my life.