Friday, December 9, 2011

I'm Back... No, Seriously.

It's official. I am back in the blogosphere. I have been on a lengthy hiatus and I have decided that I am going to get back to blogging, and keep up with it this time. I did it for almost five years throughout high school and my first year of college... why in the world can't I do it now? Ok. No excuses. Here I am, and I am excited to get my blog back off the ground. A big thanks to my bestie The Lost Bee for making over my blog and giving it some style. I can always count on her for any sort of style advice. 

I just had all of these ideas of blog topics surfacing in my head over the last three months, and with a little push from Brianne- I caved in and decided to give this whole blogging thing another shot. Stay tuned to my blog for daily (yes, I just said daily) updates on topics from fashion, cooking, shopping, and everything in between. I was talking to Brianne the other night and I told her that I couldn't believe I spent all this money on a Macbook Pro, and I have barely even used it since I got it. I'm not sure if it's because I am not 100% comfortable with all of it's functions, or the fact that I am stuck behind a huge monitor full of spreadsheets & e-mail at work all day. Either way... I bought my "dream" computer, and by golly I'm going to start using it. 

So here it goes! Welcome to my blog, & the crazy, adventurous journey I call my life. 

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